Massive UFO Commands the Sky Over Austria’s Grand Mountains

Gigantic UFO Dominates the Skies Above Austria’s Majestic Mountains!
In 2017, an observer just outside Lower Austria reported a UFO sighting to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). While driving home with two friends on January 4, 2017, at around 10:30 p.m., the witness noticed three bright, silent objects in the night sky. The area was deserted and secluded, prompting the witness to look up suddenly. The

three luminous objects were moving slowly, exhibiting a circular pattern, and eventually hovering in place. The witness captured the event on video, providing visual documentation of the mysterious and unexplained lights.March 2018 – Austria, Mayrhofen area. Amazing video showing huge UFO hovering over the mountains, j ust above the clouds…

Watch the VIDEO HERE !

The three were very impressed by the objects and decided to stop and investigate.“We left the car and I tried with my phone to film these objects. Except for the chirping of insects in the nearby forest and far-away cars, it was deathly silent. So the three light objects made absolutely no noise. Unfortunately, I could shoot the three pulsating light objects on film for only a very short time because I had little space on my phone. And my friend, Franz,

unfortunately has an older phone without a camera. Also, Gernot’s phone is older too. I was filming these three objects about 40 Seconds. After this 40 seconds of filming, we watched these three objects about 3-4 minutes before this object then just disappeared. Like turning off a Light. Actually, I’m skeptical about these things before, but after this scary event, I’m much more open to alien things/UFOs/extraterrestrials and so on. I hope that they perhaps can find out what it is/was.”

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